
AI Engineer

Data Analyst


Hello! Welcome to my corner of the web. As an AI Engineer from Bielefeld, Germany, my journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of AI excellence and the promotion of data-centric solutions. My arsenal, rich with tools like AzureML, Docker, and Python, empowers me to merge state-of-the-art innovations with pragmatic outcomes. Each endeavor I embark upon is a testament to my unwavering dedication as a tech enthusiast, driven by the desire to create a lasting, significant impact. If you share my enthusiasm for transformation through technology, I'm always eager for new challenges and collaborations.

About Me

My Story

Hello! Welcome to my corner of the web. As an AI Engineer from Bielefeld, Germany, my journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of AI excellence and the promotion of data-centric solutions. My arsenal, rich with tools like AzureML, Docker, and Python, empowers me to merge state-of-the-art innovations with pragmatic outcomes. Each endeavor I embark upon is a testament to my unwavering dedication as a tech enthusiast, driven by the desire to create a lasting, significant impact. If you share my enthusiasm for transformation through technology, I'm always eager for new challenges and collaborations.

  • Age 32
  • Residence Germany
  • Freelance Available
  • E-Mail


What i do
AI Products

Building an AI product includes more than just training a model. I will help you through the whole journey of building a continuously reliable product that fulfills real customer needs independently of the maturity level.

Data Analysis

Analysing and visualising your data is the first step to leverage the benefits of your data.

Data Assesment

I will inspect your data landscape and assess the maturity level. At the end of the process you get a clear vision of your potentials and suggestions for further steps.

Data Engineering

The first step to get value from your data is to curate and clean it. I will help you with building automated pipelines that will take your data quality to a new level.


Working with


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    Eduard Götmann
    • Residence Germany
    • Location Bielefeld
    • E-Mail
    Eduard Götmann